Welcome to the Ripple Foundation – Digital Commons Academy

We hope you enjoy this collection of videos that explore the move towards 21st Century health and care. See below for more details, links etc.

You are busy, yet if your interested in 21st Century Economics/ Healthcare/ Health IT you may find one/more of the 5 minute videos of value.

As a means to share our learning on these challenges we face, we have outlined, in brief, high level educational/discuss & debate material on;

Having identified challenges with 21st Century healthcare , we then delve deeper to try to understand these challenges better;

We take the time to focus on 2 key areas in particular

before we conclude that 21st Century Healthcare will be transformed by work now emerging from the Digital Commons;


Before we explore that future in more detail, we firstly explore some key concepts;

We then focus on 5 key elements that need to be addressed on the road to 21st Century Digital Healthcare

  1. Usability
  2. Integration
  3. Clinical Kernel
  4. The Role of Open Source
  5. Governance & Leadership

We look back at the background history to the story of “Self, Us, Now” behind the Ripple Foundation
We then look at its current & future work of the Ripple Foundation: Towards an Open Platform – in action


Please note that further links are available from the notes attached to each video
To find associated notes/links, comment on or share a video etc etc.. .
..either click on the Vimeo link at the bottom right of any particular video or explore the Digital Commons Academy playlist from Vimeo

We hope you find this material of interest /value to your work.


Dr Tony Shannon
Director, Ripple Foundation
October 2018